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              Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin            BIBLIOGRAPHY        



            Authors of Publications


Thought of Thoughts, Book 5:Astral Glow, 2023, (link)


Thought of Thoughts, Book 4:The Veil Betwixt, 2021, (link)


Thought of Thoughts, Book 3: Perhappiness, 2019, (link)


Thought of Thoughts, Book 2: Trespassing, 2017, (link)


Thought of Thoughts, Book 1: Believe, 2016, (link)


The Concepts the artists essays on their artwork, viewed from different perspectives: mythological, philosophic, ethical, sociological, and psychological. Published by The Library of Moscow Conceptualism of German Titov, 2012, Russian language (info).


"Концепты", 2012, Библиотека московского концептуализма Германа Титова (подробнее)


Video The Concepts, 2012, Studio Chas-R, Moscow, Russia


"Trespassing" essay in book Moscow Conceptualism in Context, ed. Alla Rosenfeld, Prestel, 2011 (info) 


Photoglyphs, introduction by Mark Sloan, essay by John P. Jacob, The New Orleans Museum of Art, LA, 1993. Catalog for the retrospective exhibition of the photographs, travelled to 15 venues.


Still Performances, portfolio of 3 photographs, essay of Joshua Smith, published by Robert Brown Gallery, Washington, D.C and David Krut Fine Arts, London, England, 1990


Still Performances, essay by John P, Jacob, MIT List Visual Arts center, Cambridge, MA and Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1989. Catalog for the exhibition of photographs and sculptures.


Russian Samizdat Art, essays by Rimma and Valeriy Gerlovin, John Bowlt, and Szymon Bojko; published by Willis, Locker& Owens, New York, NY, 1986. Paper, cloth, and limited boxed edition with signed silkscreens by seven artists


Rosyjska Sztuka Samizdatu, Rimma and Walerij Gerlowinowie, Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej, Warszawa, Poland, 1990.


Collective Farm, international assembling made of bound envelopes with the inserts, published in collaboration with Vagrich Bakhchanyan, 1982-1986: #1 Kolkhoz, #2 Letters to The USSR, #3 Post Office Dinner, #4 Wonderkids, #5 Five year Plan, #6 Stalin Test.





Видео о книге "Концепты", производстство cтудии "Час-R" Москва 2012, video about book Concepts, made by studio Chas-R , Moscow, 2012 (link)


Birth of Aphrodite, narrated by the collector Frank Konhaus, collection Cassilhaus, North Carolina, 2020 (link)

Not Jean Brown: Dada, Surrealism, Fluxus, etc. Premiere of a 12 inch color video by The Gerlovins and Mark Bloch, 16 min with soundtrack by John Cage and works by George Maciunas, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Andr Masson, Joe Jones, John Cage, Yoko Ono, Robert Watts, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Filliou, Geoff Hendricks, Nam June Paik, Christo, John Lennon, George Brecht, Ay-O, John Furnival, Dieter Roth, and others.(link)

Performance with Renate Bertlmann Visual Poetry, camera Reihold Bertlmann; Фильм-перформанс с Ренатой Бертлманн "Визуальная поэзия", оператор Рейнхольд Бертлманн, Москва, 1997 (link)


Video: Valeriy Gerlovin, ранняя живопись ,рассказывет искусствовед, хранитель в отделе новейших течений Третьяковской галереи Игорь Волков,  Пока  все дома у Антона, Коллекция Антона Козлова, (link)


Коллекция Антона Козлова, The Art Newspaper, Russia, 116, Nov. 2023, (link)





           Selected Books


Conceptualisms: The Anthology of Prose, Poetry, Visual, Found, E- & Hybrid Writing as Contemporary Art, edited by Steve Tomasula, University Press of Alabama, 2022 https://archive.ph/hgjq3


Elena Korowin, Lost in Translation, Gender, Politik, Performance in Zoo-Homo Sapiens (1977) von Rimma Gerlovina und Valeriy Gerlovin, Im Labirinth der Kulturen, Series: Kulturtransfer, Vol. 7 (Brill/Fink) Jan. 2022.



Олеся Авраменко, Гендер в советском неофициальном искусстве, Новое литературное обозрение, 2021

Olesya Avramenko, Gender in the Soviet Unofficial Art, New Russian Review, 2021

Photographie Les acquisitions des collections publiques, Le Bec en lair, Marceill, France, 2020

Russell Joslin, Alone Forever Sometimes, Self-Portraits 2000-2019, essay by Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin, Skeleton Key Press, Oslo, Norway, 2019

Зинаида Стародубцева, Русские художники за рубежом, 1970-2010-е годы, интервью, БуксМарт, Москва , 2020

Zinaida Starizubtseva Russian Artists Abroad, 1970-2010, interveiws, BuksMart, Moscow, 2020

Изобилие и аскеза в русской литературе: Столкновения, переходы, совпадения, cборник статей, ред. Йенс Херльт, Кристиан Цендер, Новое литературное обозрение, 2020  Abundance and Asceticism in Russian Literature: Clashes, Transitions,Coincidences, ed. Jens Herlt, Christian Zehnder, New Russian Review, Moscow 2020


Генрих Худяков Афтограф, книга и выставка в МОМА, Москва, 2019, эссе Риммы и Валерия Герловиных о Генрихе Худякове

Henry Khudyakov. Autograph, article by The Gerlovins, Virtualnaya Galereya, Moscow, 2019


The correspondence of the artists around A-Ya magazine, 2 volumes, ed. I. Chelkovscki, New Russian Review, Moscow 2018-2019

Переписка художников с журналом А-Я, 2 тома, 1976-1981, ред. И. Шелковский, Новое литературное обозрение, Москва, 2018-2019 (link)


Series of Dreams (Selections from 17 years/68 issues of Shots Magazine) edited by Russell Joslin, Skeleton Key Press, 2018 ( info)


Jean Roberson, Craig McDaniel, Themes of Contemporary Art, Visual Art after 1980 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017


Exhibition SerpentiForm at Museo di Roma in Rome, Italy, and book Serpenti in Art, text by Anthony Downey, (Bulgari, Roma and Canvas Central, Dubai, 2016), pp.96-101 (info)


The Art of Typewriting, Marvin and Ruth Sackner, Thames & Hudson, 2015


Post Pop: East Meets West, Saatchi Gallery, London 26 Nov. 2014 - 23 Feb. 2015, catalog, (link)


Eyebook. Sixty Artists. One Subject. Edited by Jenny Lynn, Damiani, Italy, 2015 (info)


Foundation of Art and Design, Lois Fichner-Rathus, Cengage Learning, 2014, 2012, 2008 (info)


Moscow Conceptualism. The Beginning, ed. Yury Albert, 2014, Arsenal, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (in Russian lang.) Book on ISSUU

Московский концептуализм. Начало, составитель Юрий Альберт, 2014, Арсенал, Нижний Новгород


Performance in Russia. 1910-2010: a Cartography of its History, ed. S.Obukhova, Artguide Editions, Moscow, 2014

"Перформaнс в России. 1910-2010: картография его истории", ред. С. Обухова, Artguide Editions, Москва, 2014 (video)


Black Forest, ed. Russell Joslin, Candela Books, USA, 2014 (info)


Islands of Yury Sobolev, ed. Galina Metelichenko, Anna Romanova, Nelli Podgorskaya, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2014

"Острова Юрия Соболева", ped. Галина Метеличенко, Анна Романова, Нелли Подгорская, Московский музей современного искусства, 2014


Multiculturalism in Art Museums Today, ed. Joni Boyd Acuff, Laura Evan, Taking It Personally by Terry Barret, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland, 2014


Russian Artists at the Venice Biennale, 1895-2013, authors: Nikolai Molok (editor), Faina Balakhovskaya, Matteo Bertel, Boris Groys, Ekaterina Degot, Andrei Kovalev, Maria Kravtsova, Geraldine Norman, Sandra Frimmel; Stella Art Foundation, Moscow, 2013

Русские художники на Венецианской биеннале 1895-2013, авторы: Николай Молок (составитель), Фаина Балаховская, Маттео Бертеле, Борис Гройс, Екатерина Деготь, Андрей Ковалев, Мария Кравцова, Джеральдин Норман, Сандра Фриммель; Stella Art Foundation, Moscow, 2013


Gender Check. Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien, Austria, 2010


Moscow Conceptualism in Context, ed. Alla Rosenfeld, Prestel, 2011


Art Since 1940 – Strategies of Being, Jonathan Fineberg, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 2010


Making Art: Form & Meaning, Terry Barrett,  collage textbook, McGraw-Hill,  New York, 2010


Reframing Photography, Rebekah Modrak and Bill Anthes, Routledge/ Taylor & Francis Books UK, 2010


This Weared Seventies, ed. G. Kizevalter, "NLO", Moscow, 2010 (link to the book)

  "Эти странные семидесятые, или потеря невинности", ред. Георгий Кизевальтер, "НЛО", 2010


Russian Art Abroad, ed. Z. Starodubtseva, NCCA, Moscow, 2010

усское арт-зарубежье", ред. Зинаида Стародубцева, ГЦСИ, Москва, 2010


Understanding Art, Lois Fichner-Rathus, Thomson Wadsworth Publishing, collage textbook, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008-10; edition 8th, 2007, chapter opening ill.

Gender Check, ed. Bojana Pejic, Museum Moderner Kunst Ludwig Wien, 2009

The Pearson Visual Writing Guide, Ileen L. Linden, Pearson Education Inc, 2009


Le dessin hors papier, pablications de la Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2009


New Angelarium, ed. I. Kolesnikov and C. Denisov, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2007, English/Russian


Face, The New Photographic Portrait, William A. Ewing, Thames & Hudson, 2006


Spontaneity in Art, Ben-Ami Scharfstein, Am Oved Publishing, Ltd. Tel Aviv, 2006


Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images, Terry Barrett, McGraw-Hill, college book, ed. 2006, 2005, 2000, 1996


Другое искусство: Москва 1956-1988, ред. Ирина Алпатова, Галарт, Москва, 2005 (Another Art: Moscow 1956-1988, ed. I. Alpatove, Galart, Moscow, 2005)


А-Я Журнал неофициального русского искусства 1979-86, репринтное  книжное издание под ред. И. Шелковского и А. Обуховой, Арт Хроника, Москва, 2004 (A-Ja Magazine of Unoffical Russian Art 1979-86, reprint book edition, ed. I. Schelkovski and A. Obukhova, ArtChronika, Moscow, 2004)


Beyond Memory. Soviet Nonconformist Photography and Photo-Related Works of Art, ed. by Diane Newmaier, Rutgers University Press, 2004


Art in Embassies Program 40th Anniversary, US Department of State, Washington, D.C., 2004 in connection with Faces of America by Contemporary American Artists, catalog for the exhibition at Spaso House in 1997-2001, US Embassy in Russia, Moscow


Skin Deep, Skira in collaboration with Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporenea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy, 2003


Autour de l'art juif: encyclopédie, ed.Adrian M. Darmon, Carnot, France, 2003


Primary Documents, A Sourcebook for eastern and central European Art since the 1950s, ed. Hoptman and Pospiszyl, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2002


Body and the East, From the 1960th to the Present, ed. Zdenka Badanovich, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001


Networked Art, Craig J. Saper, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2001


American Perspective: Photographs from the Polaroid Collection, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, 2000


Is Seeing Believing? The Real, the Surreal, the Unreal in Contemporary Photography, Dennis P. Weller, North Carolina Museum of Art, NC, 2000


Reflections in a Glass Eye, Works from the International Center of Photography, Bulfinch, 1999


The Promise of Photography, The DG Bank Collection, ed. Luminita Sabau, essay by Beata Ermacora, Prestel, Munich-London- New York, 1999


Painting as a language, Jean Robertson & Craig McDaniel, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999


Forbidden Art, The Postwar Russian Avant-garde, Curatorial Assistance, Inc., Pasadena, CA and Distributed Art Publishers, New York, NY, 1998


Out of Action, Between Performance and the Object 1949-1979, Thames and Hudson and The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, 1998


Sleep, ed. R. Peacock and R. Gorman, Universe, Rizzoli, 1998


Sociology, John J. Macionis, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, college book, ed. 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001,2004, 2007, 2008


Psychology, Saul Kassin, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, college book, 1998


College Algebra, Robert Blitzer, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, 1998


Изобразительное искусство: Краткий словарь художественных терминов. 5 - 8 классы, Часть 4, Н.М. Сокольникова, издательство "Титул", 1998

ArtSpeak, Robert Atkins, Abbeville, 1997


The Black Book, The Twelfth Annual Show, Award for Photography, The Black Book Publishing, New York, NY, 1997


Art on the Edge and Over,  Linda Weintraub, Arthur Danto, and Thomas McEvelly, ArtInsights, Inc.,Publishers, Litchfield, CT, 1996


Genesis. A Living Conversation, Bill Moyers, the book, the public television series, and video, Doubleday, 1996


Numbers: The Universal Language, Denis Guedj, Hurry Abrams, New York, 1997; L'Empire des Nombre, Denis Guedj, Découvertes Gallimard, Paris, 1996


Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, Jeffrey S, Nevid. Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, college book, 1996


Doppelt Haut, Beate Ermacora, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Germany, 1996


Narcissism: Artsis Reflect Themselves, California Center for the Arts Museum, Escondido, 1996


International Center of Photography Twenty Years 1974-1994, ICP, New York, NY, 1995


Концептуализм, Екатерина Бобринская, Галарт, Москва, 1994 (Conceptualism,  E.A.Bobrinskaya, Galart, Moscow, 1994)


Europa, Europa, Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa (Europe, Europe. One Hundred Years of Avant-garde in the Middle and the Eastern Europe), Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany, 1994


Mattress Factory: Installation and Performances 1982-1989, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991


Selections 5. The International Polaroid Collection, The Polaroid, Cambridge, MA, 1990


The Photography of Invention. American Pictures of the 1980s, Joshua Smith, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1989


Obraz slowa. Historia poezji wizualne, Piotr Rypson, Academia Rochu, Warszawa, Poland, 1989


Splendeurs et Misères du Corps. Triennale Internationale de la Photographie, Fribourg, Switzerland & Mois de la Photo, Paris, 1988


Exploring Color Photography, Robert Hirsh, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA, 1988


Golem! Danger, Deliverance and Art, ed. Emily D. Bilski, The Jewish Museum, New York, NY, 1988


Alphabets Sublime, ed. G. Myers Jr., Paycock Press, Washington, D.C., 1986


Soviet Émigré Artists by M.Rueschemeyer, I.Golomshtok and J.Kennedy, published by M.E.Sharpe,inc., Armonk, New York and London, 1985


21 Years of Artforum, UNI Research Press, Artforum, New York, NY 1984


New Art from the Soviet Union, Norton Dodge and Alison Hilton, Acropolis Books, Ltd., Washington, D.C., 1977




                    Selected Periodicals

Артем Темный,Искусство приватных пространств:фрагменты частной жизни московского концептуализма, Нож Медия, 2021, link

Le Monde diplomatique, August 2020, France


Kunst + Unterricht, no. 445, 15.09.2020, Germany


Elena Korowin, Zwischen Prager Frhling und Dissidententum: Was machten sowjetische Knstler innen des Undergrounds? in Zeitschrift fr Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur (2018) Nr. 65, 71-84.


Aesthesis magazine, "Peregruzka. Review on the new exposition at The State Tretyakov Gallery", Kseniya Yemelyanova, July 16, 2016 (in Russian, link)

Диалог Искусств, Московский музей современного искусства, Лия Адашевская Концепты, №6, 2012 (link).

Новая кожа, № 3., 2010, Нью-Йорк, "О Генрихе Худякове" Римма и Валерий Герловины, oтрывок из книги "Самиздат арт", в английской версии "Russian Samizdat Art", 1986, Willis, Locker, & Owens, New York

Art Investment.RU, Polaroid Collection at Sotheby's Auction, June, 23, 2010 by Mary Onuchina

 Broadway World, July 6, 2010 "Flomenhaft Gallery Present A Summer Photography" by Marivic Tagala

Vedomosti, 6, 16, 2009, Moscow, Russia, "Russian Lettrism" by Olga Kabanova


2009 Calendar, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C., 2008, ill.


The First Post,UK, online newspaper, Cyrilic Symbolism by Holly Kyte, first posted Jan. 30, 2008


Cartier Art, #17, 2007, "Russia", R.G. and V.G. "Eve", English, Russian, and French, ill.


Zoom, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin", interview by Michela  Balzarelli , article by Gigliola Foschi, portfolio of images and the cover, English-Italian and Japanese issues, May-June, 2006, Russian issue July-August, 2006, online version


Shots Magazine, #89, 2005, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin", interview by Russel Joslin, portfolio of 10 images


Чeрновик, № 20, 2005, "Семантика слова сквозь призму визуальности: траснпозиционные композиции и фотоглифы Риммы и Валерия Герловиных", Татьяна Назаренко (Chernovik, 2005, # 20,"Semantics...in Photoglyphs by R. G and V.G" by Tatyana Nazarenko, ill.) online version


Artforum, April 2005, "Russian Front, Moscow Biennale" by John Kelsey, ill.


Charleston City Paper, May 26, 2004, Charleston, SC, "A Still Performance. Spoleto Festival 2004 Visual Arts Previews" by Caroline Saffer, ill.


The New York Times, Dec. 5, 2003, "Nyet to Passé Soviet Realism..." , Grace Glueck


The New York Times, Sunday, March 12, 2000, "Group Photography Show" by Helen A. Harrison, ill.


The New York Times Sunday Magazine, The Millennium Issue on Art, Sept. 19, 1999, "Rimma Gerlvovina, Valeriy Gerlovin. Big Brother's Eye, Mother Russia's Tears", ill, online version


The New York Times, March 22, 1998, "Not So Jolly Now" by Dirk Johnson, ill.


The Sciences magazine, May-June, 1997, the cover


Savannah Morning News, GA, Jan. 12, 1997, "Powerful Puzzles. Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Marty Shuter, ill.


The New York Times, Jan. 7, 1996, "Artists Who Make Work out of Play" by Helen A Harrison, ill.


The New York Times Magazine, Sunday, July 7, 1996, the cover and portfolio of 5 images


The New York Times, Sunday, Dec. 8, 1996, "Memory of Childhood" by Helen A. Harrison, ill.


The New York Times, Dec. 15, 1996, Sunday, "A Show that Sees Beauty in Everything" by Vivien Raynor  


The Denver Post, July 25, 1996, "Facing Reality. Exhibition Puts Focus on Photos" by Steven Rosen, ill.


Handelszeitung, Zürich, Switzerland Nr. 20, 15 May, 1996 "Zu entdecken: Fotografie aus den USA", Martin Kraft, ill.


The San Diego Union-Tribune, Sunday, Feb.11, 1996, "Dreaming of Me" by Robert L.Pincus, ill.


The New York Times, Apr. 9, 1995 "Messages in Tapes and "Photoglyphs" by Phyllis Braff, ill.


The New York Times, Feb. 26, 1995, "Making Faces, Fun and Pedagogy at Hudson River Museum" by Vivien Raynor


Newsday, Dec. 29, 1995, "Imagination at Play in the Fields of Recreation" by Carey Lovelace, ill.


Tages Anzeiger, Züritrip, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov.3-9, 1995, "Photoglyphen", ill.


Kultur, Köln, Germany, Nov. 11, 1995, "Rebellion bei Art Cologne" by Michael Vaupel, ill.


Die Presse, Wien, Austria, Oct. 27, 1995, "Neu Kunstmesse" by Monica Czernin, ill.


Ms. Magazine, May-June, 1995, "Once Upon a Time" by Jennifer Baumgarten, inside cover, ill.


Portsmouth Daily Times, Feb. 19, 1995, "Surreal Reality"; Feb. 12, 1995, "Photoglyphs" by Sara Johnson; Jan. 27, 1995 "Photoglyphs" Opens at Sothern Ohio Museum", ill.


The Tampa Tribune-Times, June 4, 1995, "New York Scene. The Arts", ill.


Westchester Lifestyle, NY, March 2-15, 1995, "Making Faces" at the Hudson River Museum", cover


ARTnewsletter, June 28, 1994, "Bazel Sparkles for Big 25th" by Christian von Faber Castell and Bonnie Barett Stretch


Espace, Switzerland, June 1994, "Art 25'94. Bazel", ill.


Juliet magazine, Trieste, Apr.- May 1994 "Gerlovina/Gerlovin" by Maria Campitelli, portfolio of images.


Art Papers, July-Aug., 1994 Atlanta, GA, "Photoglyphs: Works by Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Chris Hassold, ill.


Magical Blend magazine, June 1994, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin," portfolio of images.


Alternatives, Magazine of The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Oh, vol. 4, issue 2, 1994, "Figure as Fiction Exhibition", cover and ill.


The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, LA, May 8, 1994, "Images of Mother" by Chris Waddington, ill.


Artnews, Apr. 1994, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin at Robert Brown Gallery" by Jean Lawler Cohen, ill.


The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, LA, March 4, 1994, "Russian Artists Put a Face on Their Ideas" by Chris Waddington, ill.


Art Quarterly magazine of the New Orleans Museum of Arts, Jan.- March 1994, "Photoglyphs: Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Steven Maklansky, portfolio of images


The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 12, 1994, "Exploring the Capricious Nature of Language", ill.


The Bradenton Herald, Jan 12, 1993, Bradenton, Fl., "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Woody Shulman, cover and ill.


Sarasota Arts Review, Sarasota, Fl, Dec. 1993, "Photoglyphs" by C.B.Last, cover and ill.


Tricycle magazine, winter 1993, cover; also featured in Newsweek, June 13, 1994, "800,00 Hands Clapping, Religion; America May Be on the Verge of Buddhadhrma."


The Washington Post, Oct. 30, 1993, "Peeling off the Layers of Being" by Mary McCoy


Daily Camera, Denver, Co, Nov. 6, 1993, "Photoglyphs Show Features Russian Self-Portraits" by Niki Hayden, ill.


St. Petersburg Times, Florida, Dec. 31, 1993, "A Body of Art Series: Art Review" by Mary Ann Marger, ill.


Point of Contact magazine, Syracuse University, NY, Apr. 1993, "Preface", portfolio of images.


National Gallery of Australia Newsletters, Canberra, Australia, Sept.- Oct.1993, "Beyond Recognition. Contemporary International Photography" by Kate Davidson


The Florida Times-Union, June 13, 1993, Jacksonville, Fl, "Two Faces of Photography" by Cynthia Parks, ill.


Tribune -Star, Indiana, Sunday, Aug. 22, 1993, "Russian Artists to Speak", ill.


Зеркало (Mirror) magazine, Israel, May 1993, #100, the cover


The Village Voice, New York, March 16, 1993, "Photo" by Vince Aletti


Chicago Tribune, Friday, Sept. 4, 1992, Weekly Guide, "Photography: Fall Exhibit", cover, ill.


Falter, Vienna, Austria, June 25, 1992, "Herbarium", also in other newspapers of Vienna in 1992: Weiner Stadt-Krone, June 19;  Der Standart, June 11; Treffpunkt, June 26, all with ill.


Artweek, CA, May 7, 1992, "One by Two" by Marlene Tait, ill.


Pièces Détachées, Paris, France, #1, 1992, "Rimma Gerlovina et Valeriy Gerlovin" portfolio of images


Artforum, Feb. 1991, "Rimma and Valeriy Gerlovin. Robert Brown Contemporary Art" by Howard Risatti, ill.


Arts, Jan. 1991, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Florence Rubenfeld, ill.


Newsday, May 3, 1991, "The Grand Museum Tour. Fine Arts Museum of Long Island" by Steve Parks, ill.


Newsday, May 31, 1991, "Gerlovins' Decade of Freedom" by Amei Wallach, ill.


Декоративное искусство, май 1991, № 402, " Римма и Валерий Герловины. Неподвижный перформанс" и "Отрывок из книги "Концептуальный самиздат", (Decorative Arts, May 1991, # 402,"Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin. Still Performances" and "Excerpt from Book "Conceptual Samizdat Art") ill.


San Francisco Examiner, June 25, 1991, "Art World Knows No Season" by David Bonetti, ill.


The New York Times, Sunday, June 9, 1991, "Varied Approaches of Expatriates" by Helen A. Harrison, ill.


Next magazine, Rome, Italy, #21, 1991, "Rimma  and Valeriy Gerlovin" by Luigi Manciocco, ill.


Private, magazine, Chicago, IL, #6, 1991, cover


Chicago Tribune, Friday, April 26, 1991, "Photoglyphs" Merge Verbal, Visual Powers" by David McCracken, ill.


Contemporania magazine, NY, Dec. 1990, #23, "Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin. Robert Brown Contemporary Art" by Patrick Finnegan, ill.


The New York Times, Nov. 25, 1990, "A Provocative Look at Collaboration" by Vivien Raynor


The Print Collector's Newsletter, Vol. XXI, #5, Dec. 1990, "Rimma Gerlovina & Valeriy Gerlovin. Prints & Photographs Published."


The World & I, magazine, Dec. 1990, "Soviet Art World" by Alice Thorson, ill.


Museum & Arts, Washington, D.C., Jan/Feb. 1990,  "Postmodern Perestroika" by Judith Bell, ill.


Flash Art, Jan/Feb. 1990, "Rimma Gerlovina", "Valery Gerlovin" by Illaria Bignamini, reprint of 1977, ill.


Cover magazine, New York, Feb. 1990, "Valeriy Gerlovin Rimma Gerlovina" by Valery Oisteanu, ill.


The New York Times, Jan. 11, 1989, "Religious Symbols at the Altar of Artistic Invention" by Vivien Raynor, ill. 


Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Nov. 26, 1989, "Getting the Picture" by Alan G. Artner


Chicago Tribune, May 12, 1989, " Art Institute Exhibits Offer Latter-Day and Early Pioneers" by Catharine Reeve, ill.


Art in America, Apr. 1989, "Marketing Perestroika" by Amei Wallach


Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sunday, Dec. 2, 1989, "Anderson Gallery Exhibits Challenging" by Robert Merritt, ill.


The Richmond News Leader, Dec. 2, 1989, "Art and Life" by Roy Proctor, ill


Aperture, Fall 1989, #116, "Between Two Worlds. Photems, Art Institute of Chicago" by James Jood, ill.


The Record, New Jersey, Sunday, May 28, 1989, "Photography – The First 150 Years" by Michael Kilian, ill.


The Boston Globe, Sept. 28, 1989, "Static Yet Volatile Images" by Kelly Wise


The Boston Herald, Feb. 10, 1989, "Artists Strike a Timely Note" by Julie Manganis


The New York Times, Jan. 26, 1989, "Timepieces. MIT Exhibition" by Jane Holz, ill.


Arte e Cornice magazine, Italy, 1989, "Festa Grande e Gubio" by Stelio Rescio, ill.


Museum & Arts, Jan/Feb. 1989, "Museum Highlights of 1989", ill.


Leonardo, vol. 21, No.1, 1988, pp. 102-103, Nicoletta Misler, "Review on book "Russian Samizdat Art", Willis Locker and Owens, New York, NY, 1986".


Manhattan Catalog, Winter 1988, "Surrealist Still Life", ill.


CEPA Quaterly, Buffalo, NY, Winter/Spring, 1998, two articles: "Photems" by John Jacob and "The Gerlovins" by Dr. Nikolai von Kreitor, cover and ill.


Il Manifesto, Italy, Sept. 23, 1988, "La nuove icone dall'Urss in forma di fotografia" by Mirella Bentivoglio, ill.


Le Monds, France, Oct. 27, 1988, "Selection des expositions"


The Newsday Sunday Magazine, July 10, 1988, "Two to Tango" by Adam Z. Horvath, ill.


Print Magazine, March-Apr., 1988, "Still Performances" by Carol Stevens, ill.


The Village Voice, Dec.22, 1987, "Photems" by V. Aletti


Photo Metro, San Francisco, March 1988, "Photems", portfolio of images


The New York Times Magazine, Aug. 30, 1987, "Image and Idea" by Andy Grunberg, ill.

Domus, Italy, May 1987, "Russian Samizdat Art" by Paolo Thea


Afterimage, Rochester, May 1987, "Received and Noted: Russian Samizdat Art" by Robert Morgan


The New York Times, Nov. 23, 1986, "Russian Samizdat Art" by Christopher Lyon


Assembling, #12, New York, 1986, section "Russian Samizdat Art" cover and ill.


Ear magazine, New York, Aug. 1986, cover


A-Ja Magazine, Paris, France, (in English and Russian with French insert), articles written by R.G. and V.G.  #1, 1979 "The Gerlovins" (reprinted in Opus International, France, Oct. 1980, #77, "Extraits de la Revue A-Ja" and Canal, France, Oct 1979, "Le Symbolique"); other articles for A-Ja: The Jean Brown Collection and The Toadstools, #3; 1982; Russian Samizdat Art #7, 1986


Мулета, №3, Париж ,Франция, визуальная поэма Р.Г. "Четыре прелюдии к рождению"

(Muleta magazine, Paris, France, #3, 1985 visual poem by R.G. "Four Preludes for The Birth")


The Village Voice, May 21, 1985, "Refusnicks There" by Ray Dobbins, ill.


Los Angeles Weekly, June 15-21, 1984, "Samizdat Art" by Hunter Drohojowska, ill.


Los Angeles Times, June 10, 1984, "Art News at LACE" by Ianco-Starrels


High Performance, Los Angeles, #22, 1983, "The Gerlovins", ill.


The Washington Post, Dec. 9, 1982, "The Vagabond Art of Modern Russia" by Jo Ann Lewis


The Washington Times, Dec. 9, 1982, two articles "An Exciting Glimpse on Russian Avant-Garde" and "Profile; The Gerlovins" by Jane Addams Alleen, ill.


The Washington Post, Oct. 2, 1982, "Art in Flux" by Jo Ann Lewis, ill.


Artforum, Summer 1982, "Russian Samizdat Art" by Ronny H. Cohen


The Village Voice, March 30, 1982, "Forbidden Fruits" by L.Lippard


New York Magazine, March 29, 1982, "The Red Letters" by Kay Larson


Art in America, Apr. 1980, "Russian Art Goes (Unofficially) West" by Lisa Liebman


Artforum, March 1980, "The Barren Flowers of Evil" by Komar and Melamid, ill.


The New York Times, Dec. 28, 1979, "Art People; A Forum for Dissident Art" by Grace Glueck


Liberation, France, Jan. 31, 1980, "Performance/ environnement de R. et V. Gerlovin", ill.;

Jan. 28, 1980, "L'art-zoo" by J.J.Lebel, ill.


Art in America, March-Apr., 1978, "Venice Biennale'77", ill.


The New York Times, Dec. 4, 1977, "Art Versus politics at the Venice Biennale" by David Hughes


Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 Nov. 1977 "Die ferlorene Avantgarde" Ute Diel, ill.


Flash Art, #76/77, July- Aug. 1977, "Rimma Gerlovina" and "Valeriy Gerlovin" by Illaria Bignamini, ill.


Project, Poland, #133, 1979, "Other Children Books", ill.


Vogue, Italy, Dec. 1976,  "L'arte Sovietica" by Evelina Schatz, ill.


Domenica del Coriera, Italy, #5, 1976, "L'arte Sovietica" by Evelina Schatz, ill



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